Monday, December 28, 2009

Sophie's Blog

Over Christmas Sophie informed me that she is going to start a blog. I graciously let her know that I could get some ideas for what to call her blog. So, come on people, help her out. Elizabeth suggested "Seriously Sophie" which I think is not too bad. I was thinking maybe "Sassy Sophie" or "Sensitive Sophie". What do you think? Maybe "Secretly Sophie" since she said she might not tell us when she does start a blog.


Ruth said...

I know, you can call it "Sincerely, Sophie" and every post could be in the form of a letter!

darinangel said...

That is the name I just thought of.

Anonymous said...

Since it's public I'm not allowed to say my name.
(and Upset Alex)
Hee Hee

Anonymous said...

Alex says I should name it My brother is disgruntled and smart.(I'm not sure where he got disgruntled from.)
Sophie (again)

Ruth said...

Who said it had to be public? You can make your blog private.

Ruth said...

And see, you are good at the sincerely, Sophie part ;)

Anonymous said...

But then my friends couldn't see it!

Maryann said...

How about su-c-kites.